Codium bursa  (Olivi) C. Agardh, 1822
Main synonym = Lamarckia bursa    Olivi, 1792
Taxonomical Classification:  Plantae (Algae) / Chlorophyta / Bryopsidophyceae / Bryopsidales / Codiaceae
Ball Alga, Green Sponge Ball     Maltese name not known
Further Information:
A marine green algae species found distributed in the Mediterranean Sea (especially near Spain) and East Atlantic ocean, where in the latter it is recorded from Portugal, England and Ireland. It forms hollow, sub-spherical cushions (the thallus) of a green sponge-like material. The thallus can be found in various sizes from 8cm up to 40cm.

The Green sponge alga dwell at the rocky bottom of sea up to 50m in depth, often accompanying Neptune grass (Posidonia oceanica). The spherical structures can detatch and carried ashore as shown in the photos below. They often have a 'deflated' appearance and a marine, somewhat pleasant smell.

The genus Codium is represented by about 28 species where C. coralloides is also found within the Mediterranean. It can resemble C. vermilara, C. fragile and C. mamillasum in general appearance, and none listed in the IUCN Redlist.
ID of this species = Prof. Patrick J. Schembri.

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